Sundays at 10am

118 Penshurst St, Penshurst

Our gathering is a blend of historical and modern church elements that express the timeless truths of Christianity in a modern and relevant way. In the gathering there will be an invitation to sing, pray and hear the Bible read and preached. Please feel free to participate as much, or as little, as you feel comfortable.

You don’t need to bring anything or dress in any particular way to come to church. There will be Bibles available in the pews for your use if you want. Our service usually concludes at 11.15am. Feel free to stick around for morning tea to connect with other members of our church.

Visting us

118 Penshurst St, Penshurst


There is plenty of untimed street parking along Penshurst St or the adjoining streets (Clarence or Percival).


We are a 8 minute walk from Penshurst station which is on the T4 line (Eastern Suburbs & Illawarra). On Sundays, trains run roughly every 15 minutes. Check train timetable and track work here.


Kids at Penshurst

For those with small children there is a creche room available for use. This room has a live stream of the service and allows parents and carers to follow along while watching their toddlers. If you need to use this room, please ask the ushers for directions.

Each Sunday during school terms, we run our kids program for children to get to know God better in a fun and safe environment. The kids spend their time singing, playing games and making craft as they learn from the Bible.