What is a Presbyterian church?
Being a Presbyterian church means that we subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF). The WCF is a helpful summary and articulation of what we believe Scripture to say on important issues of faith and living. Interested in finding out what our church believes and teaches? Have a read of the WCF for yourself, it can be found online here.
Being a Presbyterian church means that we are lead by a group called the Session. The Session is comprised of ministers and elders. Ministers are those who have been ordained by the denomination to lead and teach and will have a degree in theology. Elders are men elected from the congregation who work with the minister to shepherd the people of the church. Together they lead, teach, pray, and live lives that are examples to the congregation.
Being a Presbyterian church means that we’re connected to other Presbyterian churches in the local area. Churches of a particular geographic region are collected under what is known as a presbytery. Ministers and elders gather at presbytery to discuss how better to collaborate and equip churches for the work of the Gospel in their particular contexts. Presbyteries are opportunities for mutual edification and support.