Leading people from the busyness of life to deep rest in Jesus
Come visit!
Are you looking for a new church home? Or, perhaps interested in exploring the Christian faith and understanding more about Jesus? Whoever you are, you are welcome at Penshurst!
Amidst the busyness of life, we believe that knowing Jesus leads us to deep rest - we’d love you to join us on a Sunday to find out more.
Latest sermon
Each week we hear God speak to us through the reading and preaching of His Word. Catch up on our latest sermon here, or follow the link below to look at previous sermons.
Kids at Penshurst
Jesus loves kids and so do we! Our Sunday program teaches kids about our great big God and his love for them in a fun and safe environment.
Deep rest in Jesus
We believe that Jesus leads us from the busyness of life to rest that is deep, meaningful and eternal. That’s why we’re all about Jesus at Penshurst. Jesus is not just someone to know about, but someone to have a relationship with. We’d love you to come along and learn more!